Not discounting the emotional roller coaster such a one would be on, but at what point would a person start to say, ‘Maybe it’s me’? I would think that after the third marriage goes south, that maybe I’m doing something terribly wrong, that I would never inflict myself on womankind again, that’s it, I’m done. (Oh, she’s cute, and I just happen to be available.)
Bragging just a little here, but 1 wife, 30 years. I still have plenty of room to blame the wife if something goes wrong.
SHAKENDOWN almost 7 years ago
He may be related to Brutus Thornapple.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Which of these six things doesn’t belong with the others?
Farside99 almost 7 years ago
That they happened to be my wives all at the same time was just coincidence.
Brian G Premium Member almost 7 years ago
So much for the reputation of Heaven!
Jeff0811 almost 7 years ago
Not discounting the emotional roller coaster such a one would be on, but at what point would a person start to say, ‘Maybe it’s me’? I would think that after the third marriage goes south, that maybe I’m doing something terribly wrong, that I would never inflict myself on womankind again, that’s it, I’m done. (Oh, she’s cute, and I just happen to be available.)
Bragging just a little here, but 1 wife, 30 years. I still have plenty of room to blame the wife if something goes wrong.
Stevefk almost 7 years ago
I had only one ex but am pretty sure I won’t be bumping into her where I hope to go, think it’ll be a lot warmer where she’s heading.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 7 years ago
They took actual notes???
Amra Leo almost 7 years ago
With 5 ex-wives, I kinda doubt he’d be in Heaven…
CeeJay almost 7 years ago
Looks like it’s going to be hell in heaven!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
How the H did those five make into heaven, Ken too.
sandflea almost 7 years ago
Oh crap. Ken died and went to Texas.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Eternity with my ex? That would be hell.
Perkycat almost 7 years ago
♪♪This could be heaven or this could be hell♪♪
ajakimber425 almost 7 years ago
Uh oh! Trouble brewing along the angels.
Andrew Sleeth almost 7 years ago
Ken’s just the sort who swears he’ll never find anyone again.
jivanimark almost 7 years ago
This ain’t heaven it’s Utah!
Impkins Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The way that kind of thing goes, they are probably not just only HIS ex-wives. This is going to get messy!
Hippogriff almost 7 years ago
Luke 20:27-36
Strob almost 7 years ago
Trouble in Paradise. I’ll just have a cheesburger.
ken in tx almost 7 years ago
For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven. Matthew 22:30