Brevity by Dan Thompson for March 10, 2018

  1. W12
    chris_weaver  almost 7 years ago

    You’d think he’d so much as lift a fingerling to help a friend!

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 7 years ago


    He’s rather more of a non-vouch-potato, isn’t he?

    In fact, I think he’s turned into a grouch potato.


    With him working there, I thought that job would be in the bag!

    Yukon see that I’m kinda steamed.

    I don’t really find much a peel in his friendship any more,

    if I have to keep my eyes on him, or he’ll act rotten.


    And to think, I used to like him a latke.

    I once thought we were grate friends.

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    Stevefk  almost 7 years ago

    All in favor? The eyes have it!

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    shipl14  almost 7 years ago

    They’ve been friends since they were tots.

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