The Flying McCoys by Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy for November 26, 2010

  1. Missing large
    Aries1776  about 14 years ago


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  2. Comic face
    comicgos  about 14 years ago

    Looks like a tin can with an affliction to me!

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    Keith Messamer  about 14 years ago

    Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.

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    Nyckname  over 6 years ago

    This strip made the first page with the news report, “Creative agency RedPepper has created a robot that can assess a ‘Where’s Waldo’ image and find the stripe-aficionado in as little as 4.5 seconds, according to Gizmodo. The good news: Your toddler will never have a fit over those pesky books again. The bad news: The robot’s next goal is to steal your patented dance moves.”

    waldo, noun (plural waldos or waldoes)

    A remote manipulation system in which a slave device mimics the motions of a master device manipulated directly by the operator.

    From the Robert A. Heinlein story Waldo, published in Astounding in 1940, derived from the name of the eponymous protagonist, Waldo F. Jones, who invented remote manipulators to overcome his own myasthenia gravis.

    Was the irony intended?

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