La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 24, 2018

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    Daniel Jacobson  over 6 years ago

    I am not familiar with Scarlett Johansson, much less seen any of her movies, so I looked her up on the internet. I can only say, there is, uh, “plenty” to see.

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    CeeJay  over 6 years ago

    People were upset because Ms. Johansson played an android in the Japanese film Ghost In A Shell. Let’s ignore the fact that anime is filled with characters who have huge round eyes. You’ll find that to be true in a lot of manga. too. Also, Ghost In A Shell was a Japanese production. I really don’t feel it equates to having had Peter Lorre playing Mr. Moto or Boris Karloff playing Mr. Wong.

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    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    Blame the defective mental processes of Hollywood directors and producers who keep casting Occidental actors in Oriental roles. It always reminds me of the old Charlie Chan movies, or the TV show that cast David Carradine as the lead in the TV series “Kung Fu” designed by Bruce Lee which should have starred Bruce Lee. They’re not really very believable as being Oriental characters simply because they’re not Oriental and it’s a stupid ignorantly biased casting process. Maybe now that “Black Panther” has been such a Mega successful box office hit, directors and producers will realize how successful they could be if they started casting without racial prejudice.

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    ahab  over 6 years ago

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    zippykatz  over 6 years ago

    So what if an actor plays a role outside his or her own ethnicity or race? I wouldn’t care if a Latino portrayed an Italian or someone from the Middle East , for example. It’s not real, folks—-that’s why it’s called ACTing. So what’s next: Gays-only for gay roles; transgenders-only for trans roles; Gypsies-only, Eskimos-only, ETs only…

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    kaffekup   over 6 years ago

    Sure, why not let white actors play everyone? Black, Asian, Latino? Then those people could play white characters. Men could play women, we wouldn’t need women actors except for body doubles in nude scenes. It’s called acting, folks!

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