Red and Rover by Brian Basset for December 02, 2010
December 01, 2010
December 03, 2010
Dear Santa, Rover's been a good boy this past year. Yes, he chased a few squirrels, but in Rover's defense, they did all get away. Anything else you'd like to add? That I plan to track them down after the holidays, and peace on earth.
Arround here the cats are afraid of our “Bushy tailed tree rats” AKA Squirrelzilla. It’s the birds that don’t have a chance for peace…or pieces as the case may be.
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
And there be squirrel pieces on earth at that time.
lightenup Premium Member about 14 years ago
LOL, Grog!
Dee4theanimals about 14 years ago
hahahaha - good!
momazilla about 14 years ago
Arround here the cats are afraid of our “Bushy tailed tree rats” AKA Squirrelzilla. It’s the birds that don’t have a chance for peace…or pieces as the case may be.
COWBOY7 about 14 years ago
That is exactly what is expected of you, Rover! LOL
Destiny23 about 14 years ago
But the squirrels were just ASKING to be chased!!
joylion about 14 years ago
:( poor squirrels.