Very, very roughly. It is a calculation process with multiple computers calculating the same thing to come to a consensus, then the information is locked into a block, tied to the other information blocks, to create a chain of blocks that have been checked and confirmed by multiple verification. It is supposed to be the answer to hacking and false information. It all happens in the Cloud.
It is also now the way through which the crypto-currencies are created . Blockchains need a huge amount of calculating power, to encourage people to tie their computer calculating power to that you are rewarded with crypto currencies.
The more computer power you give, the greater the gain. Which is why you now have computer farms or even dishonest people trying to takeover unsuspecting computers and make them work for them.
What Roy needs to do is simply fill out the birth forms before Cathy recovers. For example, one dad in England named his kid “Bermondsey Millwall Den Bloomfield” to celebrate his team’s stadium. His wife was not amused.
My grandson attends school with 3 Chelsea’s, 2 Brooklyn’s, a Boston, a London, a Hilo and a Dallas…all cities or locales where the parents were stationed, vacationed or visited and conceived. HMMM Blockchain does not seem so weird.
TheDOCTOR almost 7 years ago
FIRST! Wow, Kath is looking Hot in those jeans. Not too shabby yourself there Roy. What the frak is a Block head or whatever?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I tried to look it up, I did.
My brain rolled itself up into a little ball, rolled under the bed, and wouldn’t come out.
I do plan to watch that John Oliver explanation….
Wikipedia gets taken over by people who already know all about it, but don’t know how to explain it to those of us who need to look it up.
Meanwhile…. how popular will little Blockchain be, in middle school, after all the cryptocurrencies have crashed,
their markets are outlawed,
and thousands of people, many of whom knew as little about it as I do, but nonetheless borrowed heavily to play, have lost the gamble,
along with everything they they used as security for the loans, like their homes and businesses?
(Not that I’m bearish on Bitcoin or anything…)
cabalonrye almost 7 years ago
Very, very roughly. It is a calculation process with multiple computers calculating the same thing to come to a consensus, then the information is locked into a block, tied to the other information blocks, to create a chain of blocks that have been checked and confirmed by multiple verification. It is supposed to be the answer to hacking and false information. It all happens in the Cloud.
It is also now the way through which the crypto-currencies are created . Blockchains need a huge amount of calculating power, to encourage people to tie their computer calculating power to that you are rewarded with crypto currencies.
The more computer power you give, the greater the gain. Which is why you now have computer farms or even dishonest people trying to takeover unsuspecting computers and make them work for them.
Yakety Sax almost 7 years ago
Soooooo……is………she……….expecting again?
MartinPerry1 almost 7 years ago
What Roy needs to do is simply fill out the birth forms before Cathy recovers. For example, one dad in England named his kid “Bermondsey Millwall Den Bloomfield” to celebrate his team’s stadium. His wife was not amused.
jmworacle almost 7 years ago
Yeah, popular to be ridiculed……
Russell Bedford almost 7 years ago
My grandson attends school with 3 Chelsea’s, 2 Brooklyn’s, a Boston, a London, a Hilo and a Dallas…all cities or locales where the parents were stationed, vacationed or visited and conceived. HMMM Blockchain does not seem so weird.
chromosome Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Sounds like a good name for a heavy metal band.
purpleriver over 6 years ago
Roy might be able to get away with a Nickname. I like the Nickname Bitcoin.