Ease up, settle down, who cares, Kaz will punch some lights out and none too soon. How great will that be when Marty Moon looks down from his treehouse to see Kaz’s arm elbow-deep in 70’s face. Former bouncer, former lineman… former coach!
No I think it will be either Auburn or Alabama. Saban can cry some more about the bad agents. Auburn will just slide his foster parents a huge wad of moola.
SgtSaunders about 14 years ago
Ease up, settle down, who cares, Kaz will punch some lights out and none too soon. How great will that be when Marty Moon looks down from his treehouse to see Kaz’s arm elbow-deep in 70’s face. Former bouncer, former lineman… former coach!
flanders22 about 14 years ago
Someone better step up and rally these boys or the game is lost.
Cliff1911 about 14 years ago
Gaddis and Exner both such good kids. Where will they be enrolling, Oregon or Auburn?
gloveman about 14 years ago
Yes jamarr, you should block too. Gil, call the reconditioners, this season has gone south.
cholly3 about 14 years ago
Nah. This game needs to last another month. Gil, just got the memo that Milford received a bye to go straight to the Playdowns in Hoops.
Milford_JockStrap about 14 years ago
Cliff1911, I believe that Gaddis and Exner will enroll at Florida State or USC (of OJ fame)
ohiobobcat about 14 years ago
Littel Clowns gonna rule unless Milf gets a whole lotta unity goin’ on!
WallyCuppaJoe about 14 years ago
No I think it will be either Auburn or Alabama. Saban can cry some more about the bad agents. Auburn will just slide his foster parents a huge wad of moola.