La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for December 11, 2010
Bug Blog by Cuco Rocha Cuco's Christmas Recession Gift Guide Mr. Erasable Protest Placard Sign: Obama is the Kenyan KKK Racist Tea Party message Sign: Loony for Congress tax cuts for billionaires Crazy candidate campaign sign Sign: Will work for food For when your anti-middle-class candidate wins!
Dirty Dragon about 14 years ago
You forgot the one that says any new spending has to be balanced by other spending cuts on the social safety net (can’t touch military spending).
But “cutting taxes has nothing to do with deficits”.
I’d like the business interests that push this BS cut a conservative’s pay by half, and let them see for themselves if lower receipts affect the family budget, or not.
Hovencloof about 14 years ago
Yeah, unless all the NFL players making over 250K per year are allowed to pay 4.6% less in taxes on income over 250K, they are refusing to hire anyone.
Give us a break, okay? If you hire someone, that person’s salary is deductible as a business expense, and deductions could bring the fatcat’s salary to below the $250K threshold. I ask you, is Joe the Plumber refusing to hire assistants because he is protesting taxes, or is it because he is a lying phony?
ponytail56 about 14 years ago
socialism has failed everywhere in the world it has been tried, yet socialists keep insisting that if you don’t like that system you are 1 a racist, 2 hate the middle class, 3 are stupid, 4 want the world controlled by the super rich. Lets start withstupidity. stupidity is saying it only failed for them, it won”t fail for us because we are different we’ll just do the same thing they did but it will work because it’s us doing it. capitalism created the middle class. It is socialism that is creating a permanent under class of the black people in this country by saying “you shouldn’t have to work, just come to the government for all your needs. don’t get a job, don’t go into business for yourself. turn to the government. become completely dependant. be wholly owned by the government
ChukLitl Premium Member about 14 years ago
Who needs a middle class. Owners & owned works. Now shut up & do what you’re told.
cdward about 14 years ago
ponytail56 said: “socialism has failed everywhere in the world it has been tried…”
Actually, social/private partnerships such as the German health insurance system have been extremely durable and successful. Their system is the oldest and one of the best in the world. It has not failed in the least – whereas our system has left out millions and costs those of us in the middle class more than practically any other developed nation for comparable care.
Wildcard24365 about 14 years ago
Health care, schmelth care! MORE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!
And a round of bread and circuses for the unemployed, while we wait for the barbarians at the gate.
steelersneo about 14 years ago
Or maybe its a sign for when the tax and spend liberals force all the businesses overseas.