Says the boy with too big shoes.
The kids-in-hand-me-downs visual gag that’s such a regular feature of SKIPPY is one of the more dated aspects these days. They didn’t just go off to Osh Kosh B’Gosh back then.
I was going to say that when you get hand-me-downs or something from a thrift store, you take what you need whether it fits or not.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] 6 months ago
Says the boy with too big shoes.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator 6 months ago
The kids-in-hand-me-downs visual gag that’s such a regular feature of SKIPPY is one of the more dated aspects these days. They didn’t just go off to Osh Kosh B’Gosh back then.
owlsandy Premium Member 6 months ago
I was going to say that when you get hand-me-downs or something from a thrift store, you take what you need whether it fits or not.