I would happily live as a slob, but I really don’t like cohabiting with those little critters that take up residence in an unclean environment… so I clean…
Shoes off at the door for everyone at my house, no sitting on the bed with the bedspread on….and the list went on…..my mother was also a cleaning nut and I got the genes being the first born. However, I do allow people to wear their shoes in my house.
Doctor Toon over 6 years ago
Think there are several dollar bills in my wallet, might have to give this a try with the grandkids
Should be a downside for the kids who don’t clean up, maybe cat turds in the sock drawer…
ChessPirate over 6 years ago
I would happily live as a slob, but I really don’t like cohabiting with those little critters that take up residence in an unclean environment… so I clean…
whenlifewassimpler over 6 years ago
Shoes off at the door for everyone at my house, no sitting on the bed with the bedspread on….and the list went on…..my mother was also a cleaning nut and I got the genes being the first born. However, I do allow people to wear their shoes in my house.
bryan42 over 6 years ago
Well, Greg, did this work on your kids?