Actually ducks and geese fly in a “V” formation for a reason. The birds in the front do all the work flying and the rest don’t have to work as hard. They change positions every so often so the first ones can take a break. I suppose the ones in the back could be flying on auto pilot so it wouldn’t be a problem if they checked their phones. Wish this could happen with us poor drivers and pedestrians while on the road.
blunebottle over 6 years ago
roaming26-37 over 6 years ago
Perfect cartoon. Spot on. I’m tired of saying, “Watch where you’re going!” to idiots staring at their mobiles. Gggrrr!
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 6 years ago
Duck and weave.
Needles2sayu~sewFunny over 6 years ago
PO' DAWG over 6 years ago
A serious case of goose-neck.
BJIllistrated Premium Member over 6 years ago
Actually ducks and geese fly in a “V” formation for a reason. The birds in the front do all the work flying and the rest don’t have to work as hard. They change positions every so often so the first ones can take a break. I suppose the ones in the back could be flying on auto pilot so it wouldn’t be a problem if they checked their phones. Wish this could happen with us poor drivers and pedestrians while on the road.
Babs Maloney Premium Member over 6 years ago
Just like driving in Seattle!