I’m relatively well educated ( 2 college degrees) and think of myself as pragmatic but I do admit to having a little bit of a superstitiousquirk hiding somewhere in my brain. I read Chinese fortune cookie inserts and have even played the lotto numbers! Shame on me!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 6 years ago
That would be like a BONUS fortune cookie because it’s such a long one.
Stevefk over 6 years ago
Save it in case you run short on toilet paper.
SmashedHat over 6 years ago
No one wants to hear that after a nice meal.
Qiset over 6 years ago
How did it know? It’s so uncanny!
Spiny Norman Premium Member over 6 years ago
“Help I’m a prisoner in a Chinese bakery!” – Allen King
kodj kodjin over 6 years ago
I’m relatively well educated ( 2 college degrees) and think of myself as pragmatic but I do admit to having a little bit of a superstitiousquirk hiding somewhere in my brain. I read Chinese fortune cookie inserts and have even played the lotto numbers! Shame on me!
BubbleTape Premium Member over 6 years ago
looks like they stuck a CVS receipt in with that fortune.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 6 years ago
….in bed. Always add “in bed.” to the end of any fortune cookie saying. Some get quite hilarious.
LeftCoastKen Premium Member over 6 years ago
I only believe the ones that start out with “Confucius say …” but I haven’t seen one of those in an eon. :-)
BIG Lego Bros over 6 years ago
No one wants to hear that after a nice meal.
johngregor Premium Member about 6 years ago
Fortune cookies just haven’t been the same since Donald Lau retired.