A lot of people forget who said something like that first. As for yesterday, I wonder if somebody’s aunt, who owns the Ritz company, will be making an appearance? If she does, the men in Rita’s office will go even more insane than they already are.
TBH, she may, in fact, have come up with it, although the odds of that happening approach those of a thousand chimps on a thousand typewriters* writing a new Shakespeare play.
Reminds me of a motivation film I saw with a former employer. It had nothing to do with the serfs just the Lords. When the emcee ask if there any questions? I answered “What does this have to do with us?”
desvarzil over 6 years ago
Is Bob Thorn replacing Scott Roberts?
Jeff0811 over 6 years ago
Nice lettering on the sign. Some may disagree, I guess it’s all a matter of perspective.
katina.cooper over 6 years ago
A lot of people forget who said something like that first. As for yesterday, I wonder if somebody’s aunt, who owns the Ritz company, will be making an appearance? If she does, the men in Rita’s office will go even more insane than they already are.
cabalonrye over 6 years ago
Where is the wall?
Gtbank over 6 years ago
I believe that is an adaptation from a JFK inaugural speech
Nyckname over 6 years ago
If you pay attention, it’s amazing how often people will say “company” when they mean “country”.
garcoa over 6 years ago
It is spelled correctly – someone else must have had a hand in it.
WoodstockJack over 6 years ago
TBH, she may, in fact, have come up with it, although the odds of that happening approach those of a thousand chimps on a thousand typewriters* writing a new Shakespeare play.
*a primitive form of wordprocessor.
zippykatz over 6 years ago
Your company will fire you at will, leaving you in debt with no income or insurance for you and your family. Top that!
Daeder over 6 years ago
Rita also thinks she coined the phrase “priming the pump”.
jmworacle over 6 years ago
Reminds me of a motivation film I saw with a former employer. It had nothing to do with the serfs just the Lords. When the emcee ask if there any questions? I answered “What does this have to do with us?”