Cleats by Bill Hinds for March 11, 2015
Boy: So you're the Panthers' goalkeeper? Edith Tippit: The gloves gave me away, didn't they. Boy: You'll be seeing a lot of me today. I'm the Dawgs' new offensive star. Edith: I have no doubt about that. And will we find you offensive on the offense or the defense?
Earle H Landry almost 10 years ago
Love it .. Edith gives Tanner a tanning
water_moon almost 10 years ago
Aaand the truth is out, “I want to date you for status and perks” works both ways.
1148559 almost 10 years ago
So… she must not be letting any of his shots through. Love it!
Prey almost 10 years ago
Told you Edith would tan his hide.