Steve L: You don’t need to go to permafrost for that. Richmond, BC, is on alluvial islands in the Frasier delta, with the highest point 16 feet above mean high tide. A septic tank is about as deep a structure as they can go without hitting the water table, so all basements are above ground.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
uh… yeah
santa72404 over 6 years ago
Better than an indoor outhouse.
chris_weaver over 6 years ago
It complements his underground attic.
J Short over 6 years ago
Wait till you see the basement.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 6 years ago
when I lived in the eastern Arctic you couldn’t did basements in the tundra so the whole house basement and all was built above ground.
6turtle9 over 6 years ago
She has a great backhand!
Hippogriff over 6 years ago
Steve L: You don’t need to go to permafrost for that. Richmond, BC, is on alluvial islands in the Frasier delta, with the highest point 16 feet above mean high tide. A septic tank is about as deep a structure as they can go without hitting the water table, so all basements are above ground.