The first one makes me think of a coworker I had some years ago, who struggled a bit with our CAD software. You could tell because he’d start hitting the keys really hard in his frustration. I always wanted to call out “Hit it harder Dennis – I don’t think it’s dead yet!”
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
The shark cartoon is hilarious!
AtariDragon over 6 years ago
Dear Strong Bad, How do you type with boxing gloves on? Crapfully yours, AtariDragon
Nuliajuk over 6 years ago
The first one makes me think of a coworker I had some years ago, who struggled a bit with our CAD software. You could tell because he’d start hitting the keys really hard in his frustration. I always wanted to call out “Hit it harder Dennis – I don’t think it’s dead yet!”
INGSOC over 6 years ago
Have extra keyboards on hand for future replacements..
INGSOC over 6 years ago
Floss is certainly ideal..