Spent a lot of time on my grandparents’ farm as a kid. Cows weren’t so much a worry (unless you were between them and a fence and they decided to lean into you), it was hogs. Especially a sow that had a litter. Knew of one of grandpa’s neighbors being killed and at least two others injured enough to seek medical attention beyond simple first aid. I’m talking broken bones, stitches (pig bites are nasty), etc. Us kids could pretty much go anywhere on the farm except the hog lot.
SunflowerGirl100 over 6 years ago
The shark is thinking, “That’s udder nonsense and a lot of bull.”
Enter.Name.Here over 6 years ago
How many of those killed by cows were swimmers?
Kaputnik over 6 years ago
That’s because most people don’t try to milk sharks.
BigDaveGlass over 6 years ago
Shark infested fields?
Nyckname over 6 years ago
He was cowed by the shark.
Anathema Premium Member over 6 years ago
Don’t have a cow BC. The shark just wants to protect its territory.
Gent over 6 years ago
I guess cows in B.C. looked like overgrown pigs.
danketaz Premium Member over 6 years ago
So a hamburger is just self-defense?
Display over 6 years ago
There is such a thing as a bull shark.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 6 years ago
Hippos. Really. Don’t dare get between a hippopotamus and water. Or anything.
DanFlak over 6 years ago
Bambi kills more people in North America than any other animal.
kjpodsia Premium Member over 6 years ago
The ad campaign for that chicken restaurant has gotten much more aggressive lately.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago
Thats one ugly cow.
badeckman over 6 years ago
And you know the thing about a cow…..He’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. lLike a dolls eyes
adrianrune over 6 years ago
Spent a lot of time on my grandparents’ farm as a kid. Cows weren’t so much a worry (unless you were between them and a fence and they decided to lean into you), it was hogs. Especially a sow that had a litter. Knew of one of grandpa’s neighbors being killed and at least two others injured enough to seek medical attention beyond simple first aid. I’m talking broken bones, stitches (pig bites are nasty), etc. Us kids could pretty much go anywhere on the farm except the hog lot.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Hogs are like us, they eat anything edible. And they can become seriously violent.