In 1967, DC Comics also had a super-villain called Zha-Vam, who was created by the Greek Gods with the powers of:ZeusHerculesAchillesVulcanApolloMercury
as well as a magic belt that would give him powers of other supernatural beings.
Just wait until they introduce Omnipresent Woman and Miss Everywhere, Omnipresent Boy and Kid Everywhere, Dog-O and Dog-E, and the rest of the Omnipresent Family and Clan Everywhere.
I am waiting for a super hero to represent me: an old bald headed man who limps with a cane and has two hearing aids and has to run faster than hell to get to the pot before all hell blows loose.
PoodleGroomer over 6 years ago
They must have different weaknesses like kielbasa .vs. bratwurst.
ekw555 over 6 years ago
man I loved these strips back in the day.and this morning, too!
ChessPirate over 6 years ago
“Go away.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m everywhere.”
“Even in the bathroom with me when I’m…?”
Nick Danger over 6 years ago
In 1967, DC Comics also had a super-villain called Zha-Vam, who was created by the Greek Gods with the powers of:ZeusHerculesAchillesVulcanApolloMercury
as well as a magic belt that would give him powers of other supernatural beings.
Stephen Gilberg over 6 years ago
As I pointed out before, it should be way more than two angles.
Coyoty Premium Member over 6 years ago
Just wait until they introduce Omnipresent Woman and Miss Everywhere, Omnipresent Boy and Kid Everywhere, Dog-O and Dog-E, and the rest of the Omnipresent Family and Clan Everywhere.
brain Les over 6 years ago
I am waiting for a super hero to represent me: an old bald headed man who limps with a cane and has two hearing aids and has to run faster than hell to get to the pot before all hell blows loose.
get my drift????
MichiganMitten 11 months ago
Who’s the dude with a fez?