Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 26, 2010

  1. Av 101a
    wetidlerjr  about 14 years ago

    Better,yet, he could ask Kate to friend ME !

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  2. Swan
    Fred_Basset_fan  about 14 years ago

    At least Kate’s British but William is half German.

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    awaysaway  about 14 years ago

    The British royals are not German - Queen Vic’s husband Prince Albert was the last full German to be inserted into the lineage and he died in 1861.

    Although since Brits, and therefore a significant chunk of the USA, has “Anglo Saxon” roots I guess Kate et al are indeed German. But now we are talking 1500 years ago - which seems a bit far back even for hyphen obsessed America (“polish-american”, “african-american”, “irish-american”, etc.)

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  4. Asa
    asa4ever  about 14 years ago

    From what I have read about history, Hitler could not understand why the British would be France’s ally instead of his.

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  5. Eye
    Chrisnp  about 14 years ago

    The “royal” family is of German ancestry. Why do the Brits put up with that?

    Because they are protestants. The Brits chose George I over about 50 other people who had a clearer line of succession because those other monarchs-in-waiting were all Catholic.

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  6. Eye
    Chrisnp  about 14 years ago

    The Windsor name is a WWI contrivance. Apparently the royals were a bit embarrassed when Cousin Willy went to war against Cousin Georgie (not to mention Cousin Nicky, back east). So the royals in Britain decided on a nice English sounding name from the ones available to them.

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    Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago

    And once again why this “comic” belongs on the editorial page.

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  8. Eye
    Chrisnp  about 14 years ago

    If every comic that addressed current social or political issues were on the editorial pages, they’d have to double the editorial section and half the comics. And what of the comics that are sometimes political, sometimes not? Do they bounce back and forth between sections?

    Perhaps a “safety page” is in order for those who prefer Family Circle, Classic Peanuts, and Mark Trail…or is Mark too much of an environmentalist wacko?

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  9. Old bear
    T Gabriel Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Hay Clark, It was posited recently that had ol’ adolf been killed or just died for one reason or another pre-1938 or so he would have gone down in history as a very good guy who did a lot to help mend the society and economy as a result of the misadventures of the teens of the century.

    After all, while it was Eichmann who made the trains run on time, he worked for ol’ ‘dolf. Fear and commonsense, you know.

    While there were some things of note that history has shown would have tarnished that picture, he was certainly well thought of until the real story unfolded during those particularly hideous years of ‘39 to ‘45.

    Another piece of tht history from the History Channel was that until his ego got in the way he strongly resisted attacking the civilian population of England because of some aforementioned (thanks Chrisnp) family ties. And of course we all know the English of which we speak in common discourse is a Germanic language, not one of the Romance languages of them rascally Frenchies and the lofty Spaniards. Yes, indeed we have a strong vein of Bavaria running through us. Some consider the effects of syphillis or just simply madness bent him to the extremes.

    Not a fan of (as you noted) s*itler but then again I am not much of a fan of a lot of people who are prominent in world history. Completely OT - robert mcnamara would be one.

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  10. Eye
    Chrisnp  about 14 years ago

    Following his abdication, Edward VIII toured Nazi Germany and was reportedly pro-Nazi. There were certainly plenty of English speaking admirers of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and their ilk.

    Hitler didn’t start the Blitz on London until the RAF bombed Berlin, which was in retaliation for an incident where a few German planes dropped some bombs on East London, possibly due to a navigational error. In any case, it was the Brits who initially upped the ante.

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    jeanne1212  about 14 years ago

    Yes,the Royal Family is of Germanic origin. Has been for many more centuries than USofA has been of “English” origin.


    Go back to 1066 & start reading History with both eyes open. At the same time.

    The human race is anything but “humanitarian”.

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  12. Ts
    SaunaBeach  about 14 years ago

    I suggest he flee and get thee hence, forsooth!


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  13. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  about 14 years ago

    Of course, if the estate were really 230 years in arrears on its taxes, the Crown would simply have seized its property in a civil action. Both England and the USA abolished debtor’s prison over a century ago.

    But it still makes for a good gag.

    As for the British royal family being part German, it was common throughout history for the royal families to intermarry like crazy, swapping children (usually daughters) around. This preserved the institution of hereditary monarchy in two ways: first, it enlarged the pool and reduced the effects of inbreeding; second, it prevented the total war (up to and including slaughter of the rulers) that became the norm in the 20th century. Neither of these is a terribly important reason if you’re not a member of royalty yourself, of course…

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  14. Astro boy 02 80
    Quantumtorpedo1  about 14 years ago

    The Germans dropped bombs on a residential section of London, August 24, 1940,due to their being “off course.”

    The following day the British dropped bombs on Templehoff Airport and a Seimans factories. The poor quality of British bomb sights and their signature pattern of night drops lead to “inaccurate patterns and caused civilian casualties.

    Hermann Göring, Head of the Luftwaffe proclaimed that if any enemy bomber reached the Ruhr, “you can call me Meier”, and that he “would eat his hat”.

    There were several American Nazi Bunds through out the United States, and the likes of Joseph Kennedy, Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg were supporters of the Nazi regime.

    Even today, is still more acceptable to be a Nazi today than Communist.

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  15. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago

    The problems of a Catholic assuming the throne of England are tied to the British monarch’s being simultaneously the (nominal) Head of State and the (nominal) head of the Church of England. It’s a good argument for strict separation of Church and State.

    As far as the Windors being of German exctraction, so am I. Yet I am an American. We were here for both World Wars, yet I have no reason to believe that my ancestors were anything other than fully behind the American cause in both. As far as European monarchies go, the big question has not been of national origin but of “Noble Blood”. The kings and queens were/are all of the same “family”, those who were “born to rule”, and national boundaries were of secondary concern. That made a fundamental difference between WWI, where the adversary was “Cousin Willy”, and WWII, where the adversary was “Herr Hitler.”

    Yes, Edward the Whatever was sympathetic to Hitler, but there’s no indication that George VI (or his daughter Elizabeth) are or ever were anything other than thoroughly “English”, with Germany holding any sort of emotional claim which would compromise their sympathies. In fact, when Victoria took the throne in 1837 there was no such nation as “Germany” to begin with. There were two Prussias, Bavaria, Pomerania, and a zillion different Duchies and Principalities which made up “the German-Speaking Peoples.” (And of course, one of the LARGEST segments of “Germans”, the Austrians, had an entirely separate deal going with the Hungarians.

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  16. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 14 years ago

    Then we have those in the USA who actively supported Herr Shicklegruber’s regime; see Family of Secrets by Russ Baker, going back over the Bush family’s past fifty years or so of quiet machinations, and his interview with Dave Emory recently about Prescott Bush and the connections back in the ’30s with US industrialists and bankers supporting the Third Reich.

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  17. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  almost 14 years ago

    Whoa, hey! Why isn’t anyone commenting on Zonker’s affiliation with the “Tea Party?”

    Has no one noticed that Mr. Trudeau is actually acknowledging some other demographics in the TP beyond the the barely-literate red neck everyone associates with them?

    Where’s Churchie? Where’s Howie? Why aren’t these guys commenting on this one?

    Yeesh! In my day, parents actually made us kids thank people for our Christmas presents… ;-)

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