I actually feel sorry for Esther today. With her perpetual frown (I do not think we have ever seen her smile yet.), and her challenging (apparently done at home) haircut… she has me worried she is in an emotional downward spiral. I am glad that she at least has Nancy as her friend.
In regards to the smile/frown debate. The likelihood is most probable that each type of expression varies considerably in intensity depending upon situation and emotional intent. The circular muscle around the mouth (orbicularis oris) is only one of several facial muscles that come into play in forming a complex facial expression such as a frown or a smile. Given the ambiguity of the energy output and musculature required, I would suggest that the studies that suggest that any smile (even a forced one) will physiologically help to elevate mood… are probably the more significant…. try to smile more…. and perhaps one can become happier.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 6 years ago
Gotta stay toned
It’s factually incorrect, though, of course.
Argythree over 6 years ago
At least Nancy is smiling now…
danketaz Premium Member over 6 years ago
It’s the only exercise she gets.
jarvisloop over 6 years ago
Doesn’t this mean that smilers are lazier than frowners?
jarvisloop over 6 years ago
Myself, I have dedicated myself to saving energy. I use as few lights as possible. I walk to work instead of drive. I recycle.
And I rarely smile OR frown. Saving energy.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 6 years ago
To be fair, “Taco Tuesday” WAS yesterday, so “Frown Day” is, I suppose, appropos.
katina.cooper over 6 years ago
If Sluggo was there doing something stupid, I bet she’d smile.
VICTOR PROULX over 6 years ago
Remarkable lamp, remarkable couch.
Kip W over 6 years ago
Remember, a smile is just a frown turned upside down, so if you meet somebody who doesn’t have a smile… turn ’em upside down!
Pipe Tobacco over 6 years ago
I actually feel sorry for Esther today. With her perpetual frown (I do not think we have ever seen her smile yet.), and her challenging (apparently done at home) haircut… she has me worried she is in an emotional downward spiral. I am glad that she at least has Nancy as her friend.
In regards to the smile/frown debate. The likelihood is most probable that each type of expression varies considerably in intensity depending upon situation and emotional intent. The circular muscle around the mouth (orbicularis oris) is only one of several facial muscles that come into play in forming a complex facial expression such as a frown or a smile. Given the ambiguity of the energy output and musculature required, I would suggest that the studies that suggest that any smile (even a forced one) will physiologically help to elevate mood… are probably the more significant…. try to smile more…. and perhaps one can become happier.
gopher gofer over 6 years ago
⇧ “the likelihood is most probable”…
BWR over 6 years ago
It takes even fewer muscles not to have any expression.
Hank Gillette Premium Member over 6 years ago
Ever heard the expression, “Many hands make light work.”?
I think a frown should feel like less effort because you have more muscles helping out.
31768 over 6 years ago
Grumpy, meet Grumpier!
AaronDelwiche over 6 years ago
This is hilarious. I laughed out loud.