One year when vacationing in Florida, the milk tasted like garlic. On the news that night, it was mentioned that some milk cattle had gotten into a garlic patch and therefore the milk from those cows would have that flavor. Our luck to pick that dairy from which to buy the milk!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 6 years ago
That’ll give your pucker a workout.
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
Will her milk be flavoured or curdled?
Zev over 6 years ago
What happens when it gets to the other end?
John Wiley Premium Member over 6 years ago
We had some friends that grazed their steers on kudzu. Worst steaks ever!
jpayne4040 over 6 years ago
And you probably just stood there and watched her do it!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 6 years ago
How do you think they get sour cream?
cubswin2016 over 6 years ago
Maybe she can bite into a bite of cherry grass next.
waltermgm over 6 years ago
That will give her something to ruminate on for a while.
sfreader1 over 6 years ago
One year when vacationing in Florida, the milk tasted like garlic. On the news that night, it was mentioned that some milk cattle had gotten into a garlic patch and therefore the milk from those cows would have that flavor. Our luck to pick that dairy from which to buy the milk!
CrzyDyeman over 6 years ago
Looks more like she is working on depleting the ozone layer.