Here in Colorado, in smaller towns, not so much anymore, but before, in smaller largely Catholic towns, many girls were named “Mary” for the Virgin Mary, with another name after that. Mary Jane, Mary Lou, etc. One gal I knew was Mary something (I’ve forgotten) and all 5 of her sisters were also “Mary” with a second name. Seemed weird to me! We were Catholic, too, but we got to have separate names!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 6 years ago
If you have two names you were likely raised south of the Mason -Dixon. Bobby Joe, Billy Jack, Jim Bob, Billy Joe…
I Go Pogo over 6 years ago
the names my wife calls me are usually two words. I guess Maryland is almost south.
finnygirl Premium Member over 6 years ago
Here in Colorado, in smaller towns, not so much anymore, but before, in smaller largely Catholic towns, many girls were named “Mary” for the Virgin Mary, with another name after that. Mary Jane, Mary Lou, etc. One gal I knew was Mary something (I’ve forgotten) and all 5 of her sisters were also “Mary” with a second name. Seemed weird to me! We were Catholic, too, but we got to have separate names!