Well said Bees, to bad indigenous peoples the world over did not say that to people dragging their religions into wherever they went. And it was NOT just Christianity that did that. All the major faiths have done it, some with propagandist activity and some by force.
Odd Dog Premium Member over 6 years ago
Happy 4th of July to those celebrating it. ;^)
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Well said Bees, to bad indigenous peoples the world over did not say that to people dragging their religions into wherever they went. And it was NOT just Christianity that did that. All the major faiths have done it, some with propagandist activity and some by force.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
The exploding bees from the Holy Hive of Antioch….nicely done. Thankfully it is raining here and might dampen the noise and fear of starting fires.
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
Glory bee! Happy 4th! No harshing today….