I had a Bluetic coon hound that could dig a three foot hole in seconds. You just get to him quick enough. Some times I think it was a game to him, “Hey Dad watch this.”
With all the things that Alex(nicknamed the original Marley after that movie came out as we had him long before the movie) never did any outdoor destroying just indoors LOL
robolt over 6 years ago
Dig, Doggy?
e.groves over 6 years ago
He can dig it.
PO' DAWG over 6 years ago
I had a Bluetic coon hound that could dig a three foot hole in seconds. You just get to him quick enough. Some times I think it was a game to him, “Hey Dad watch this.”
Lablubber over 6 years ago
Reminds me of ConEd’s old slogan. “Dig we must”.
Petemejia77 over 6 years ago
This is like the Far Side comic of the dog (Ginger) taking out “Mrs Talbot’s flower bed once and for all!”
whenlifewassimpler over 6 years ago
With all the things that Alex(nicknamed the original Marley after that movie came out as we had him long before the movie) never did any outdoor destroying just indoors LOL