Strange Brew by John Deering for August 04, 2018

  1. 1988 06 05edit
    awgiedawgie Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Don’t complain, lady. Not his fault you weren’t specific enough.

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    Strob  over 6 years ago

    I’d be thrilled if they just opened on time anymore.

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    Watcher  over 6 years ago

    Should of just bought it online.

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    Otis  over 6 years ago

    Nicely done!!

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    derdave969  over 6 years ago

    “She’s buying a stairway to Heaven”

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    Skeptical Meg  over 6 years ago

    If his story goes for 20 minutes, will she be happy or mad?

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    DanFlak  over 6 years ago

    I used to live in a small town surrounded by a big city, but it still had that small town flavor to it. My barber had posted hours: 9 – 4 on Saturday unless there was a fire in town or the fish were biting. Yes, he also sold fishing tackle.

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    KEA  over 6 years ago

    Can you imagine the outrage if someone asked for special treatment from her??

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    NORTHIDAHO  over 6 years ago

    ok ok someone explain the joke here.I do not get it at all.

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