Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for August 06, 2018

  1. Missing large
    31768  over 6 years ago

    (Artist says:) “that’s much better, Nancy. U r a smart chick!”

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    31768  over 6 years ago

    “And U r a fast learner too.”

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    Argythree  over 6 years ago

    Wow, I’ve seen ‘fourth wall’ stuff, but never direct communication between character and artist. Hope we can look forward to this in other ’toons, too.

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    drogers30  over 6 years ago

    This is the best one yet

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  5. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 6 years ago

    You know, I’ve just had a flash of insight. Nancy and Fritzi’s address is 8 Chickweed Lane! Right across the street! ;-)

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    CeeJay  over 6 years ago

    The"new Nancy" just keeps getting better!

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    Rufus The naked mole rat  over 6 years ago

    Seems like Olivia is notorious for a lot of ‘fourth wall’ gags in this strip.

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  8. Ahab2
    gutbloom  over 6 years ago

    Art critics are tough. The window licking commenters (with whom I self identify) on the GoComics boards are even tougher. Comics ain’t easy. I think I read somewhere that Chris Ware didn’t have health insurance even after he did some New Yorker covers. I might have made that up, but Nancy should be appreciative. Drawing her may be a “good gig” in the comic world, but it’s not like being made a regional sales manager for a pharmaceutical company.

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  9. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco  over 6 years ago


    Interesting variant on the "artist wielding his/her tools to “eliminate” characters who are not behaving" story. Nancy is being an impetuous imp today, indirectly talking “smack” about her creator. Olivia is ready and willing to take her to task by using her eraser.

    So, does Nancy today represent the commenters who have been negative about Olivia’s artistry? If so, does Olivia have plans to “wipe them out” by disallowing comments (as is done in 9CWL?

    If that is a thought that Olivia is contemplating…. I hope she does not remove commenting. Over the course of New Nancy, while there have been a lot of folks who are critical…. I believe there have been many more who have been positive in their comments. And, I for one (a positive supporter) also really enjoy reading the comments about the broader meanings that can be found in much of Olivia’s work here.

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    fuzz3942  over 6 years ago

    Like it!

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    tad1  over 6 years ago

    Love it!

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  12. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Live it!

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  13. Tradic ballet 3 figures
    ZEDMUND  over 6 years ago

    Nancy knows the real truth: that we are all living in a simulated realty.

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