My brother and I used to try to do that. That was back in the 1960s, so I’m really not sure where we got the idea, nor can I explain why we repeatedly attempted it when it obviously never had any affect. My mom was fine with it, though, because it kept us quiet. NO PSYCHIC MURDER POWERS FOR US!!!!
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
The force is not very strong with these!
PoodleGroomer over 6 years ago
Project psychic spontaneous combustion outside. Here is a popcicle, each, to make it a challenge.
ChessPirate over 6 years ago
Perkycat over 6 years ago
They need separate corners.
sew-so over 6 years ago
My brother and I used to try to do that. That was back in the 1960s, so I’m really not sure where we got the idea, nor can I explain why we repeatedly attempted it when it obviously never had any affect. My mom was fine with it, though, because it kept us quiet. NO PSYCHIC MURDER POWERS FOR US!!!!
anorok2 over 6 years ago
I’m still wondering…if they’re brothers, why do they look so different?
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 6 years ago
Toby, Toby, Toby …………………… “boogerhead”? Is that the best you can do at fourteen?
Comic Minister Premium Member over 6 years ago
There’s Sarah again! She must be everywhere!!
rgcviper over 6 years ago
OK. Today’s comic made me laugh, due to both the words, and especially the visuals in panel 2. Good one.