Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 25, 2010
from the tip top secretive dossiers of S.P.E.A.R. subject: Hamhock first appearance: 12-15-05 aliases: power pig (ref: 10-23-06). bacon face. (ref: 10-17-07). affiliations:-mascot for "squam," squirrel-based lunch meat (ref: 2-13-06). history: Raised on a farm and knowing he was going to be sold as food, he took control of his destiny and decided to get paid to be sold as food. talents: Can be eaten for entertainment purposes and resume form afterword. able to eat own weight in gummi bears. drink of choice: Long island iced tea.
zero about 14 years ago
Holy Bacon Bits!
PlaidWolf about 14 years ago
man, what a pig!!
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
Forgot he starred in “The Loin King.”
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
the guy has some chops, that’s for sure.
Colt9033 about 14 years ago
They didn’t mention when he was Ninja, that was the best.