Okay, if you could get a screen play where genetically modified seeds are eaten by a family of squirrels …. this has the makings for the next TMNT movie
I once watched a squirrel looking back and forth between a squirrel-proofed bird feeder and a nearby hemlock, sizing things up; then it went up the tree and out onto the limb that came closest to the feeder, but the limb wasn’t stable enough that far out and so the squirrel couldn’t leap to the feeder from there. But it illustrated the reasoning power they’re capable of.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 6 years ago
Tommy Squirrel.
Wilde Bill over 6 years ago
Cue Mission Impossible theme.
over 6 years ago
All the squirrels go nuts for those movies.
enigmamz over 6 years ago
Soon, we will have ALL the seeds!!!
ACK! Premium Member over 6 years ago
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 6 years ago
“Oaktree’s Eleven.”
Stevefk over 6 years ago
Another Rocky movie?
CoffeeMom over 6 years ago
I always thought there was something squirrely about Tom Cruise . . . .;-)
Saddenedby Premium Member over 6 years ago
squirrel – a rat with a bushy tail.
cuzinron47 over 6 years ago
Being aided and abetted by Fleshy hovering overhead.
vics_machine Premium Member over 6 years ago
Hi I just got home from work and I have to go work over 6 years ago
KRRRRRSH Agent squirrel0: over KRRRRSH
feverjr Premium Member over 6 years ago
Okay, if you could get a screen play where genetically modified seeds are eaten by a family of squirrels …. this has the makings for the next TMNT movie
garcalej over 6 years ago
“Move it, Ethan. The birds are starting to cop to our ruse.”
FrostbiteFalls over 2 years ago
I once watched a squirrel looking back and forth between a squirrel-proofed bird feeder and a nearby hemlock, sizing things up; then it went up the tree and out onto the limb that came closest to the feeder, but the limb wasn’t stable enough that far out and so the squirrel couldn’t leap to the feeder from there. But it illustrated the reasoning power they’re capable of.