For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for October 28, 2018

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 6 years ago

    well, Elizabeth makes a fine alligator or dinosaur anyway

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  2. Mr peterson
    Mr. Peterson  about 6 years ago

    Oh my God, they are both walking away with their hands in their pockets. It’s a father-son duo.

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    Rosette  about 6 years ago

    Well then, Mike, do your own mending!

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    Argythree  about 6 years ago

    Better yet, Mike, if you take better care of your clothes, they don’t need mending…

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    howtheduck  about 6 years ago

    Today the part of Michael is being played by Mordecai Adelbert Patterson, a boy from the 19th century, who like many callow youths of his century were concerned about the timeliness of his mother’s mending.

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  6. Native rushmore
    SIERAGATOR Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Way to sexist!! No appreciation for designing or women!

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    asrialfeeple  about 6 years ago

    That’s a lot of time to recuperate. She must be firing on all cilinders

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    okiejoe  about 6 years ago

    Elly even has left-handed scissors.

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    Tempest  about 6 years ago

    Great Dragon costume Elly!!!

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    rebelstrike0  about 6 years ago

    John must be glad to be back home after that horror of a hotel stay in Ottawa.

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  11. Jless
    jless  about 6 years ago

    Lynn’s Notes:

    Does anyone actually make Halloween costumes any more?

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    preacherman Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I don’t think my mom ever mended any of my clothes, but with pattern in hand, she was a wizard at sewing.

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    ajakimber425  about 6 years ago

    Make Michael do the mending and see how much fun, he’s having!

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    Grutzi  about 6 years ago

    No one likes mending and it’s a thankless task. This is a good time for Mike to learn how to sew on a button since it’s too late for his father. My dad could do it but my husband has never tried.

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    1953Baby  about 6 years ago

    As a seamstress of 65 years, gotta tell ya. . .I’d let the guys do their own mending from now on. And, oh, yeah, no “whipping up a neat shirt for the dance next weekend. . .”

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Do your own mending. Mom has her own things to do.

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    Font Lady Premium Member about 6 years ago

    All of my kids learned to sew both by hand and with a machine. It’s a useful skill.

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    Jan C  about 6 years ago

    Creating a costume with no pattern or even using a pattern is a lot more fun than mending a seam or sewing on a button. We all have a tendency to procrastinate about the boring tasks of life.

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    mfrasca  about 6 years ago

    I hope that Elizabeth doesn’t go on a raptor rampage:

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    car2ner  about 6 years ago

    as a kid my sister and I were in charge of making our own. We got handy with a needle and thread and glue.

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    heathcliff2  about 6 years ago

    I’ve met a few.

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    seahagg22  about 6 years ago

    Who mends anymore????

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    summerdog  about 6 years ago

    Our mother’s at our smallish public school, have a costume competition to see who makes their kids the best homemade costume. We go to see them parade at school on Halloween, just to see who outdid themselves that year.

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    cmxx  about 6 years ago


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    james507  about 6 years ago

    sure do and they’re the best!

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    Hippogriff  about 6 years ago

    I can still sew, it is just that with my tremor, I can’t thread the needle.

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  27. Ella nov 2022  11 months
    m b  about 6 years ago

    Last costume I made was about 8 years ago, no little ones anymore

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  28. Ella nov 2022  11 months
    m b  about 6 years ago

    Ooooo MIchael, that comment would have got you dragged back into the room, handed a needle, thread, scissors and your stack of mending to do !!!!

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    finnygirl Premium Member about 6 years ago

    If you don’t have to mend, it means that there are plenty of other clothes to wear. If you only have one pair of pants or a special blouse or whatever, you have no choice but to mend it if you need to wear it. I am certainly no seamstress, but I can fix a hem, sew on a button, etc. I had to when I had very little money for clothing, even from a thrift shop. I am glad that nowadays if I really want to mend something out of preferring not to buy something new, I can either do so myself or take it to the tailor! Otherwise, I just grab another outfit from the closet!

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    M2MM  about 6 years ago

    The last costume I made was for my 19-year-old to be the grim reaper. I had to custom-fit it because he’s so tall, and full face covering that he could still see through and a velcro opening at the neck, so he could eat and drink. Pheww! That was a tough “build” but not at tricky as building the Lexan glowing scythe that his dad constructed. He still has the costume and uses it — 16 years later. :D

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