Put the shoes in a plastic bag, leave in freezer for a couple of days. Do the same to any other shoes you have worn, because they are contaminated too. Then, buy enough hydrogen peroxcide to soak your feet up to your ankles and keep your feet in the bowl for about an hour after it stops foaming. Problem solved.
Dirty Dragon over 6 years ago
“Old Panther” scent.
jagedlo over 6 years ago
In Earl’s case it’s “Old Spice”…
Jaw Jacker over 6 years ago
Earl: “No it’s not my feet, thank you very much! I just farted”
Baba27 over 6 years ago
Should have let him keep his shoes on then.
pcolli over 6 years ago
Complain much?
Breadboard over 6 years ago
Earl did you ever hear of soap and water ?
Less Monday... More Friday over 6 years ago
Mold Spice.
Jogger2 over 6 years ago
The odor from stinky feet is caused by microbes. What’s worse, it’s from the microbes’ waste.
flemmingo over 6 years ago
I prefer Old Spice to toe jam!
magicwalnut over 6 years ago
I wish I weren’t single. I have no one to say things like that to.
ksu71 over 6 years ago
Blame it on the dog.
Diane Lee Premium Member over 6 years ago
Put the shoes in a plastic bag, leave in freezer for a couple of days. Do the same to any other shoes you have worn, because they are contaminated too. Then, buy enough hydrogen peroxcide to soak your feet up to your ankles and keep your feet in the bowl for about an hour after it stops foaming. Problem solved.
Linguist over 6 years ago
The fox is the last to smell his own scent.
Andylit Premium Member over 6 years ago
Breathe deep, there’s vitamins in the air.
codedaddy over 6 years ago
Be glad he doesn’t wear loafers with no socks.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Perspiration consumed by bacteria on your feet.
Daeder over 6 years ago
I prefer to think of it as the spice of loaf.