My neighbor had a spider with its web at the corner of their house. Then we had a windstorm and the spider moved its web to between two bushes for a bit more stability. Unfortunately, it was right over a narrow walkway. My neighbor ALMOST walked right into the web. At that point, they caught the spider in a plastic cup and took it to a local park to live. They thought it was a smart spider and so did not want to move it to a different spot in their yard because it could have come back from there.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 6 years ago
Pretty soon the giant spiders will be making giant webs around the yard. Well not giant, about the size of my thumb, but spooky enough.
garcoa over 6 years ago
And then you go face-to-face with them. And presto, no webs anymore.
sfreader1 over 6 years ago
My neighbor had a spider with its web at the corner of their house. Then we had a windstorm and the spider moved its web to between two bushes for a bit more stability. Unfortunately, it was right over a narrow walkway. My neighbor ALMOST walked right into the web. At that point, they caught the spider in a plastic cup and took it to a local park to live. They thought it was a smart spider and so did not want to move it to a different spot in their yard because it could have come back from there.
DanFlak over 6 years ago
I walk every morning. I pass under some low-hanging, branches (some even face low). I take a spider web to the face several times a week.
Kind&Kinder over 6 years ago
Spiders work their little butts off spinning those webs, and we ruin their art with a wave of the hand. I guess life’s just not fair! :-)