9 to 5 by Harley Schwadron for October 17, 2018

  1. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 6 years ago

    You’ll have plenty of time for that in the unemployment line.

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  2. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    My cousin works for a German based company on the SF Peninsula and his wife works for the German Consulate in San Francisco. They get German benefits. Six week vacations, not including Christmas shutdowns and sabbaticals along with a 32 hour week, and they are as productive, if not more so, than American workers in similar jobs. Americans work themselves to death.

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  3. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 6 years ago

    After taking all the time off, how much time does this guy actually work?

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