Men do have their hair problems, but I no longer have to shave my legs, though my armpits still have some stragglers. Just one benefit of being old. On the other hand, some of my facial has has become more evident and I have to tweeze or shave those off periodically. Much easier than the legs in any case.
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
I’m not even there.
flyertom about 6 years ago
And ears, and nose, and the backs of your fingers. What’s up with that?
Breadboard about 6 years ago
Hey…..I look like that guy !
dsidney49 about 6 years ago
flemmingo about 6 years ago
Mine slid down my back!
forsyth about 6 years ago
Ironically I have half a dozen hairs on top of my head that won’t die. Not enough for a man bun, so they get shaved off.
david_42 about 6 years ago
Weirder, I have some bare spots on my legs where the hair is filling in.
sfreader1 about 6 years ago
Men do have their hair problems, but I no longer have to shave my legs, though my armpits still have some stragglers. Just one benefit of being old. On the other hand, some of my facial has has become more evident and I have to tweeze or shave those off periodically. Much easier than the legs in any case.
Pipe Tobacco about 6 years ago
I always considered my facial fur to be a benefit for the unfortunate loss on the top. I too, look like that fellow.
Gus810 about 6 years ago
That’s so’s we don’t get light-headed. It’s worked for me, so far . . .
John Wiley Premium Member about 6 years ago
I got a headstart (facestart?) on that.
heathcliff2 about 6 years ago
To keep you warm.
Alberta Oil about 6 years ago
And.. where the sun don’t shine. Trying to use hair clippers and a mirror to whack them down to a reasonable length… Disgusting!
TheDadSnorlax Premium Member over 4 years ago
gravity works