A genuinely clever bit once in a while can be funny to me (ref. the internet audience in Nancy’s closet), but I think Jaimes sometimes uses the fourth wall as a substitute for a punchline instead of actually making a punchline out of it.
Or maybe I was just born a decade too early to appreciate the inherent brilliance of the meta-joke.
My only complaint is the awkward. inconsistent spacing of the font Ms. Jaimes uses. As in panel 5, some letters within words are spaced nearly the same as between actual words. For me anyhow, whenever the text is a stumbling block, the inevitable joke is weakened. :-(
zorak950 about 6 years ago
A genuinely clever bit once in a while can be funny to me (ref. the internet audience in Nancy’s closet), but I think Jaimes sometimes uses the fourth wall as a substitute for a punchline instead of actually making a punchline out of it.
Or maybe I was just born a decade too early to appreciate the inherent brilliance of the meta-joke.
asrialfeeple about 6 years ago
Zero days to complaints about Nancy not being funny.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 6 years ago
Timing is, of course, everything in comedy.
coratelli about 6 years ago
I love Jaimes strip!
verticallychallenged Premium Member about 6 years ago
One day closer to the end of winter break. :(
Homeward Premium Member about 6 years ago
My only complaint is the awkward. inconsistent spacing of the font Ms. Jaimes uses. As in panel 5, some letters within words are spaced nearly the same as between actual words. For me anyhow, whenever the text is a stumbling block, the inevitable joke is weakened. :-(
Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member about 6 years ago
comic analysis aside, one day closer to the days getting longer!
Kip W about 6 years ago
Rates a solid 3 on the “Smile-O-Meter.”
Don Bagert Premium Member about 6 years ago
Winter break? Who’s really saying this – Nancy, or OJ? LOL #willthestriphaveawinterbreak
Olivia Jaimes about 6 years ago
I enjoy the shifting background colors. Lighter purple for happy, darker for sad, and grey for neutral.
Veronica Owlglass about 6 years ago
Ah, the Achilles of joy’s always futile pursuit of the tortoise of gloom.
tad1 about 6 years ago
I love it when comics break the fourth wall.