The last I heard was that bars are very profitable because of the huge mark-up. Snacks just keep patrons there drinking instead of getting hungry and leaving. So, unless Norm isn’t paying his tab (which is a possibility) giving him crappy bar mix doesn’t make him a freeloader, it makes him a sucker.
Bill The Nuke about 6 years ago
The last I heard was that bars are very profitable because of the huge mark-up. Snacks just keep patrons there drinking instead of getting hungry and leaving. So, unless Norm isn’t paying his tab (which is a possibility) giving him crappy bar mix doesn’t make him a freeloader, it makes him a sucker.
aerilim about 6 years ago
Hand crafted means hand mixed, which translated in a fully germ environment for the mix. Yummy….
Amanda El-Dweek creator about 6 years ago
That’s gourmet!