@Number Three Today’s strip is worthy of the master , Flo’s statement that the worst part is that our Hero Mr Andrew Capp coming home every night is the worst that happens is priceless :o) don’t you think? my avatar is of more Christmas decorations we put up , Santa Claus is battery powered and when there is a loud noise nearby he starts singing and twisting , his wife just sings carols , how was your day? ours should be calm I hope take care pal BCNU
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
you come home every night, Andy, but not on curfew instead of midnight or later
enigmamz about 6 years ago
I’ve never seen her with a black eye.
i_am_the_jam about 6 years ago
So why don’t you divorce him already, Flo?
AFFICIONADO about 6 years ago
@Number Three Today’s strip is worthy of the master , Flo’s statement that the worst part is that our Hero Mr Andrew Capp coming home every night is the worst that happens is priceless :o) don’t you think? my avatar is of more Christmas decorations we put up , Santa Claus is battery powered and when there is a loud noise nearby he starts singing and twisting , his wife just sings carols , how was your day? ours should be calm I hope take care pal BCNU
Troglodyte about 6 years ago
C’mon, Flo. What’s the worst that could happen?! :D
JudyHendrickson about 6 years ago
thats tellin him flo!!!
Huckleberry Hiroshima about 6 years ago
Andy. Time for a drink.
edstephens74 about 6 years ago
Hey Andy, someone stole your bit https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-england-nottinghamshire-46439487/waterways-warning-after-man-falls-in-nottingham-canal
ayespin about 6 years ago
He could bring a “significant other” with him!!!
cuzinron47 about 6 years ago
No, you come home every morning.
Number Three about 6 years ago
Yet she still waits up for him in her nightie and dressing gown, slippers and curlers with her arms folded.
Speaking of which, I don’t think we’ve seen a strip like that for ages.
Number Three about 6 years ago
It sure is priceless! And on Sunday she remarked that Andy being himself WAS the problem.
Lovely little decorations you have there.
My day was fine. I just stayed at home again.
pcolli about 6 years ago
Since Flo earns more than Andy, the divorce settlement won’t work in her favour.
tad1 about 6 years ago
No argument here, Flo.
celtickat53 about 6 years ago
Flo, why, oh why did you marry him? And, why, oh why do you stay with him?