My dad’s parents were from Belgium and spoke English, French, and Flemish. They used English as the every day language, but taught the kids French so they could ‘talk around’ their friends. When they didn’t want the kids to ‘hear’, they spoke Flemish.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Even Eddie sees his big brother as a doofus.
well-i-never almost 6 years ago
“S-p-e-c-i-a-l b-u-s.”
karmakat01 almost 6 years ago
grow up and they will stop…maybe.
car2ner almost 6 years ago almost 6 years ago
So no need for Pig Latin yet. Well, with Eddi they might.
dogday Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Well, now you have the answer to the question, “Why do I need this class?”, bright guy.
Al Nala almost 6 years ago
Ze adults, zey speak le language foreign, eh? Ja, ya betcha!
cuzinron47 almost 6 years ago
Until you understand what they’re spelling, you’re a little kid. Or a real doofus.
1MadHat Premium Member almost 6 years ago
My dad’s parents were from Belgium and spoke English, French, and Flemish. They used English as the every day language, but taught the kids French so they could ‘talk around’ their friends. When they didn’t want the kids to ‘hear’, they spoke Flemish.
Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
My friend and her husband write things in cursive if they don’t want their kids to be able to read it.
craigwestlake almost 6 years ago
They did a lot of spelling at Hogwarts…