A grudge is a heavy burden to bear. Life is too short to stay angry with people.
Usually grudges are over things, when looked at objectively, are trivial. In the cases where there is a profound perceived injustice, I take consolation in that I am not responsible for the other person’s stupidity.
I am not quite to the point where I can manage to love my enemies, but at least I am getting to the point where I can tolerate them, let them go and not have them dwell in my mind. I’ll fight them when I encounter them but put them to bed before I go to bed. I sleep well.
And sometimes, I can even make peace with them. This works well with a rational enemy: one with whom you can share common interests in spite of the differences.
Now having said all this, I still have not forgiven the Dodgers for deserting Brooklyn.
No loss, even if you could read the whole book at one setting, the large number of characters makes following what’s going on difficult. Compound that with the fact that they are called by nicknames such as Kate for Katherine, which we would understand in English, but are different in Russian, so it seems like you suddenly have a new character appearing from no where. I read the book, even understood it, by going back and figuring out what was going on. But, it wasn’t for enjoyment past the first 100 pages or so. After that, I was considering it a challenge.
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
oh, how harsh of you, Snoopy
finkd almost 6 years ago
Remember this little incident the next time you need your secretary, Snoopy. Don’t burn your bridges behind you.
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
Oh kiss and make up you two.
222jo almost 6 years ago
I wonder if we’ll ever get to hear the end of the book…
HeatherMcCrillis almost 6 years ago
Perhaps Woodstock needs a pat on the head, Linus.
Auntie Socialist almost 6 years ago
That’s rather uncharacteristically edgy of Snoopy
jpayne4040 almost 6 years ago
Aww, that’s sad that Snoopy and Woodstock fell out. At least we know they’ll get back together soon.
cubswin2016 almost 6 years ago
Friends like Snoopy and Woodstock are hard to come by.
jagedlo almost 6 years ago
Well, if you had explained the ground rules to Woodstock, then maybe things wouldn’t have turned out so bad…
DanFlak almost 6 years ago
A grudge is a heavy burden to bear. Life is too short to stay angry with people.
Usually grudges are over things, when looked at objectively, are trivial. In the cases where there is a profound perceived injustice, I take consolation in that I am not responsible for the other person’s stupidity.
I am not quite to the point where I can manage to love my enemies, but at least I am getting to the point where I can tolerate them, let them go and not have them dwell in my mind. I’ll fight them when I encounter them but put them to bed before I go to bed. I sleep well.
And sometimes, I can even make peace with them. This works well with a rational enemy: one with whom you can share common interests in spite of the differences.
Now having said all this, I still have not forgiven the Dodgers for deserting Brooklyn.
Darryl Heine almost 6 years ago
Word #6 is War and Peace is “Luca”.
I❤️Peanuts almost 6 years ago
Snoopy – Woodstock is your little friend of friends. Go ahead and read him the first four words. You’ll feel better when you do.
joeatwork212 almost 6 years ago
Did Snoopy just tell him to go get flocked?
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Go watch the movie
Diane Lee Premium Member almost 6 years ago
No loss, even if you could read the whole book at one setting, the large number of characters makes following what’s going on difficult. Compound that with the fact that they are called by nicknames such as Kate for Katherine, which we would understand in English, but are different in Russian, so it seems like you suddenly have a new character appearing from no where. I read the book, even understood it, by going back and figuring out what was going on. But, it wasn’t for enjoyment past the first 100 pages or so. After that, I was considering it a challenge.
Andrew Bosch Premium Member almost 6 years ago
At one word per day, Snoopy would need 1609 years to finish reading War and Peace.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 6 years ago
You become like the people you spend the most time with, choose carefully.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Daffy Duck: The feathers of a bird flock together!
Taracinablue almost 6 years ago
I didn’t realize Snoopy & Woodstock ever had a significant tiff…
David Henderson almost 6 years ago
I wonder if he realizes that at this rate it will take him over 1600 years to read the whole book. (1609 years and 2 days in fact)