Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for February 13, 2019

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  over 5 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Well the storm didn’t amount to too much.

    We got about 2 inches of snow and not much rain.

    The street looks fairly bare and with it warming up it should be pretty clear later this morning.

    I parked down close to the end of my driveway so that I don’t have much snow to shovel to get out. I’ll just knock down the big pieces and drive over the rest.

    It should melt fast with the temp going up to the upper 40’s.

    Everyone have a good day.

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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 5 years ago

    Good Warm Wednesday, Vagabonds,

    It was 28 on the ole thermometer this morning. However, we’re supposed to be snowed upon off and on for the next few days. Probably won’t amount to too much (she hopes).

    Jack’s turn to pick the movie last night. He was in a playful mood, and chose Madagascar. That is such a fun movie. Loved all the characters and their voices.


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  3. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 5 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Rita, I haven’t seen that one since the theater. It’s been a while, but it was a fun movie.

    Michael is down with the flu today. I try to keep out of range of his germs.

    Nothing new yesterday about the car, but I spoke to our regular adjuster this morning, and he’s extended our car rental and will contact the body shop directly. Finally, things are on track.

    I started a new cross-stitch. This one is an outline map of the US states with cross-stitch icons depicting the various states and areas. There’s a large sun in the southwest, pine trees in the northwest, a wedge of cheese near Wisconsin, a grizzly bear in Alaska, etc. Once I get it done, I will add the dates we visited each state. And if we ever get a chance to visit the few we missed, I can add that later.

    Laundry and housekeeper today. Temp about the same as yesterday, but it’s all gray and yucky outside. Right now it is 50 outside which surprised me after the past two days being in the 30’s at this time with sunshine.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  4. 155338754 4112568248753445 1081977566033269086 n
    Dkram  over 5 years ago

    Morning Vagabonds

    Snow, snow, go away, come again some other day. Preferably December (insert your own date). The weather guys and gals were calling for 6-12”. It looks like it was closer to 6 then 12. The skiers maybe happy, but, I’m not a skier.

    Rita, We got to move it, move it. We got to move it, move it. MOVE IT. (^.^) I do like that movie.

    Well, been out, got back again, staying.

    Y’all have a really good day and may God bless.


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