Francis by Patrick J. Marrin for February 14, 2019

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    That’s why they’re called *meta*phors.

    What’s a metaphor? For sheep to graze in.

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    kaffekup   almost 6 years ago

    Ok, so which is the church? The cracked pot, or the dying tree?

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    dulgeroff  almost 6 years ago

    Why can’t you do both? Replant the tree and then fix the pot?

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    kd1sq Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The Wise Fool speaks again…

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    Thehag  almost 6 years ago

    Going to be very difficult to get the root system out through the narrow neck of that pot without damaging either the tree or the pot or both.

    Think before you plant.

    Literally and metaphorically.

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