Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for February 07, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 6 years ago

    Well, I think Poncho is in the clear of what would be on the menu.

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  2. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 6 years ago

    Menu Degustacion:

    Amuse bouche: jerky bits and things that fell on the floor in the kitchen

    Appetizer: internal organs of beasts and fowl (per James Joyce)

    Entree: Dumpster finds of the the night, served with fresh local kibble and organic apple chunks

    Dessert: Whipped cream. Just whipped cream

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  3. Compass
    su43dipta  almost 6 years ago

    No, Poncho does not need to “process” any food! He just eats and poops!

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  4. Picture
    Breadboard  almost 6 years ago

    Here I thought all dogs had a see-food diet ….. They see what they think is food and eat ;-)

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Only the rich, or at least well off, can truly afford the luxury of food in tolerances. Not a bad thing really, but still as always, ‘Beggars can’t be choosers.’

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  6. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I’ve been to restaurants where the steaks do taste like a rubber boot.

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  7. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 6 years ago

    He kept eating it after the first bite, so he wasn’t too intolerant.

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  8. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Poncho can and does eat anything. But his brother, who can afford anything he wants, can’t eat everything. Irony.

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  9. Avatar
    Bargrove  almost 6 years ago

    My boss sent me to Sensitivity Training when he heard I was lactose intolerant.

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  10. 1d3fbef1 7cf8 471e b31a 25de085f1923
    Phil (full phname Philip Philop)  almost 6 years ago

    Everything, except humans, is intolerant to lactose from another species.

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