The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for July 30, 2019

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    Today’s episode is sponsored by Newzy’s Tuesday Tacos. It ain’t Tuesday if it ain’t a Taco Tuesday.

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space (Ep #26) :

    As Brekk and rebels plan an attack on the Toadlands, the tyranical Supreme Ruler of their own frog nation sends a message : “Surrender within 24 hours or prepare to see your family’s dead bodies, rebels.” Brekk and the rebels are in deep dilemma, for they have the strength and tools to attack either the Toadlands or the imperial force. Dr. Frogenstein is very important to their survival as he’s the true brains behind the entire rebellion and great gizmos and weaponry. But on the other hand, their families who are captives of the tyrant are important too. What oh what are they going to do?!

    After a quick discussion, General Brekk calls for a vote from all the rebels in their base, and an online vote for the rebels in other bases. As the voting ends, it’s a tie. 50% voted to attack the imperial base and free their families first and 50% voted to attack Toadlands and free Dr. Frogenstein on the earliest.

    As Brekk was banging his head in frustration, a messag efrom a spy frog comes in. It reads, “Toadlands king is in cahoots with the Supreme Frog ruler. The capture of Dr. Frogestein was a planned conspiracy by the Supreme Frog Ruler and the Toad King to leave rebels with no option but surrender.”

    “The hell we’ll surrender!” shouted Brekk, “Let’s hit the imperial palace and free our families and country from that amphibian a******. Dr. Frogenstein is too valuable an asset to be eliminated by the Toad king. When we’re done here, we’ll free the doc. Glory to the frogs!”

    All frogs shout in unison, “glory to the frogs!”

    Meanwhile, Corporal Corey opens his eyes and finds himself in a strange cavern. He sees a strange figure coming towards him before collapsing from fatigue.

    To be continued

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  3. Peam thumb
    Peam Premium Member over 5 years ago

    “Goodbye Newzy Tuesday,

    Who could hang a name on you?

    When you change with every new day,

    Still I’m gonna miss you."

    So this is how Taco Tuesday ends up as Woeful Wednesday (unless Newzy’s brought extras!)

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  4. Image
    Newzy Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Taco Tornado has arrived with more fillings. Break out the extra shells!

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