The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for August 01, 2019

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    Today’s show is sponsored by Pete’s Pickles. Yummy, delicious, and spicy… Pete’s Pickles.

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    Today’s show is also sponsored by Newzy’s Thundering Thordsay Tacos. Tacos with a thundering crunchyness and crispyness. Newzy’s Thundering Thordsay Tacos are the perfect snack for your thundering thorsdays.

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space (Ep #28) :

    “Oh great Kermit the Hermit, we came here to seek your help! BUt first, what happened to my companion soldiers?”, asks Corporal Corey.

    “They got eaten by the giant scorpion creatures”, says Kermit, “I managed to save you, thanks to the brave lads who sacrificed theirs to save yours. They were good frogs.”

    “Oh, that’s sad, and bad, oh great hermit. We came to you for we seek your great wisdom and knowledge. Frog nation is at war, and our planet is also under attack by the giant mosquitoes from outer space!”

    “I know, Corporal. I know exactly why you’re here. But do you know that your good Dr. Frogenstein is held captive by the Toads?”

    “What?” gasped Corey, “You’re truly a know-it-all mystic guru with a divine see-it-all eye! How else could you know? Take me as your disciple, oh great one!”

    “No, stupid”, quipped Kermit, “I’ve got a WiFi connection and I read the news. That’s how I know. Now tell me how can I be of any help to you?”

    Meanwhile, to the Toad dungeon, the Toad King Weelbur continues to torture Dr. Frogenstein. After [some torturing scenes are cut here], he’s proceeding to cut off both the arms of the doc in the Gabbar Singh* style.

    “All we need is your brains, doctor”, says the fiendish toad, “Until you agree to our terms, you keep losing your body parts one after the other.”

    “Never, Toad”, says Dr. Frogenstein, “do what you want!”

    “Okay then”, says the toad king, “gimme your hands, doctor. Gimme gimme gimme”, and simultaneously swings the two swords in both his hands. “Noooooooooooooooo…!” creams Dr. Frogenstein, and collapses to the ground.

    Meanwhile, Gen. Brekk and his covert commando team cross the borders into the frog lands controlled by the imperial forces. They bribe their way in posing as weed and precious metal smugglers. They’re helped by a rebel spy among the guards who prevents the detection of their weapons on their scanners.

    To be continued

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  4. Peam thumb
    Peam Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Newzy’s Tacos go a loong way! No Woe yesterday and hardly at all thore today. Good times are here! Roll on FryDay!

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