Some folks have been asking us, “Why have three trials at all, if we’re just going to vote for a winner?” The trials weren’t meant to determine a winner – they were just meant to show off the skills and imagination of all the contestants, in order to show you judges just how versatile our Favorite Family are, so you could make an informed decision as to who you were voting for. But mainly it was to make sure this series of strips had as much action, drama, and comedy as you’ve come to expect from this brilliant comic strip.
Futabakun Premium Member about 4 years ago
Some folks have been asking us, “Why have three trials at all, if we’re just going to vote for a winner?” The trials weren’t meant to determine a winner – they were just meant to show off the skills and imagination of all the contestants, in order to show you judges just how versatile our Favorite Family are, so you could make an informed decision as to who you were voting for. But mainly it was to make sure this series of strips had as much action, drama, and comedy as you’ve come to expect from this brilliant comic strip.
Mayor Snorkum about 4 years ago
Does Mr. Scully (aka Ruben Bolling) have to pay GoComics to run this same strip year after year, or do they pay him? Just curious.
Newzy Premium Member about 4 years ago
Beans. The musical fruit.