Poorly Drawn Lines by Reza Farazmand for March 08, 2019

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    rabizar  almost 6 years ago

    Bird party…lookin for chicks

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    kr155150 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    All Kevins can fly. Few choose to do so.

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    InquireWithin  almost 6 years ago

    Depends – are they Lost Boys?

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    kim22041  almost 6 years ago

    How can you jump off a bridge and be dead? Is this a Shrodinger joke?

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    Kaputnik  almost 6 years ago

    If they jumped off the bridge six days ago, have they reached the bottom yet?

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    Boxo croco says happy derby  over 4 years ago

    All of my friends have around average intelligence so if they jump off a bridge there should be something that prevents them from dying

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