Long after we have destroyed ourselves, there will be a landing party of some intrepid aliens that will report back to their planet of the very warm and sincere greetings given them by the local welcoming committee …….of the cockroaches.
WIthout bugs we would have no food in five years – they pollinate our food sources, trees (products and shade), and beauty(flowers, trees, and added value to our homes). Not just butterflies, birds and bees, hundreds of other pollinators provide food as well.
lopaka almost 6 years ago
Long after we have destroyed ourselves, there will be a landing party of some intrepid aliens that will report back to their planet of the very warm and sincere greetings given them by the local welcoming committee …….of the cockroaches.
pschearer Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Then why do they keep remaking “Planet of the Apes”?
Fiona D Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I can’t believe Anansi is willing to stop at reasonable discourse. When will the other shoe drop?
PoodleGroomer almost 6 years ago
The mushrooms and fungi have them beat.
stairsteppublishing almost 6 years ago
WIthout bugs we would have no food in five years – they pollinate our food sources, trees (products and shade), and beauty(flowers, trees, and added value to our homes). Not just butterflies, birds and bees, hundreds of other pollinators provide food as well.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
Bacteria out weighs even all the other life-forms on this heating planet.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
We also need parasites. And as the present trends continue by 2080 it is expected that 70% of all parasites will be extinct.
rAtkinson almost 6 years ago
Ok, some bugs are good, but please find me an excuse for fire-ants and mosquitos.
craigwestlake almost 6 years ago
“Skeeved” is an interesting word, looks like it’s the plural of “Skivvies”…
bakana almost 6 years ago
Sir Dudley is just mad because he can’t Scratch with no Arms.
Sisyphos almost 6 years ago
This cartoon is buggy. Maybe Sir Dudley needs degaussing. Or maybe Anansi needs to Go Away?
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Think about it. Who bites, and who gets bitten?