Hip Chicken: We need to look like a hip young company.
Chicken: But we're not...
Hip Chicken: We don't need to be hip; we just need to look hip. Here's a can of spray paint. Tag your cubicle.
The fecal material hit the rotating cooling device in MY office when I put up a single Dilbert comic. I can only imagine the fireworks and fun if I “tagged” my cell, um, cubicle.
Ida No over 5 years ago
I can do this, even without direction from Marketing. I gots my own cans in the trunk.
Hugh B. Hayve over 5 years ago
I hear a Huey Lewis and the News song in my head for some reason….
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 5 years ago
Indianapolis Smith over 5 years ago
The fecal material hit the rotating cooling device in MY office when I put up a single Dilbert comic. I can only imagine the fireworks and fun if I “tagged” my cell, um, cubicle.