good morning and happy saturday locos. think we’re going to go see Shazam today. Loved watching the series when I was a kid. Also was able to find DC’s original movie Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941) on YouTube. I didn’t have any hope for this version, but the reviews convinced me it would be a good time.
Akenta over 5 years ago
good morning and happy saturday locos. think we’re going to go see Shazam today. Loved watching the series when I was a kid. Also was able to find DC’s original movie Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941) on YouTube. I didn’t have any hope for this version, but the reviews convinced me it would be a good time.
Cool Hand Luke Premium Member over 5 years ago
Good morning, Akenta, Johnny, Dry & Shika! Akenta, you REALLY need to stay…….you convinced me to!!!!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 5 years ago
Good evening, Akenta and Luke. Hope you enjoy the movie, Akenta.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 5 years ago
We are the last of the Tribe. Akenta, johnny, Luke, Shika, and me! We must stay together! Besides, CARMY would want that!