I am thinking that college debt is the new indentured servitude of the 21st century. I hope people look back on this madness in the future, not to far in the future, and wonder how we could have been so stupid to make higher education such a hard thing to get. Other countries are encouraging their young people to get the highest education they can to make their societies better, we turn it in to a game of survival of the richest.
60 years ago, college was relatively cheap. A full-time summer job could pay it off. In my state, state tuition was $2.00 per semester hour. Working one’s way through college (a 4-year degree in 4 years) was common.
What’s really bad is all the uproar is directed at the loan companies. Where it should be directed is at the colleges and Universities that force worthless classes that everyone is required to take, and also they offer some worthless degrees that you’ll never make enough off of to warrant the cost of getting them. Bring back the trade schools, skilled trades jobs are going begging.
I had no student loans, but graduated in 1972 with a slight delay by Uncle Sam. Tuition was under $250/semester for a full load at a 4 year well known university. My son graduated in 2013 and his debt is more than double my first mortgage. I think it became a scam about 20 years ago or so, with lenders and colleges in on it.
I agree that conservatives try to keep others from getting an education, and always have. They complained when the printing press was invented and gave the masses the ability to read the Bible for themselves, and ever since. These ‘modern-day pharisees’ oppose what Jesus taught, try to force GOD to bring the end of times by falsely fulfilling prophecies, like the recreation of Israel. And they fight the idea that GOD gave mankind free will and the ability to reason for HIS reasons, not ours.
I do believe that religion and science can occupy the same space. I believe that science is the study and discovery of how HE did it.
Discipline and intelligence weighs huge when it comes to going to college, getting loans, and paying them off. Too many people spend boat loads of money on degrees that are totally worthless and all they do is end up with debt and no job that can pay for it readily.
I’m constantly getting phone calls from agencies wanting to help me pay off my college loans. Funny thing is, I never went to college. Not sure what loans they’re seeing.
Strob over 5 years ago
Used to be a “burning the mortgage” party.
Johnnie Polo Premium Member over 5 years ago
I never noticed till today that the little yellow guy appears in almost every strip. Shows my powers of observation.
Stevefk over 5 years ago
Thank goodness he majored in financial management!
clayusmcret Premium Member over 5 years ago
Thank goodness the government took over college loans 10 years ago to make them cheaper. Oh wait……
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I am thinking that college debt is the new indentured servitude of the 21st century. I hope people look back on this madness in the future, not to far in the future, and wonder how we could have been so stupid to make higher education such a hard thing to get. Other countries are encouraging their young people to get the highest education they can to make their societies better, we turn it in to a game of survival of the richest.
Mighty Phavahg over 5 years ago
The feds list nearly a trillion dollars in student loans as an “asset.”
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 5 years ago
Know a guy in his 50’s still paying it off.
Prey over 5 years ago
After only 60 years, he must have missed the last year!
morningglory73 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Ryan Ferncod? Ferncod?? hahahaha silly name. X-D
D.Johnson over 5 years ago
2019 graduates? … what kind of stupid propaganda is this? … I hope it is not a push for that moron Warren idiot
drycurt over 5 years ago
60 years ago, college was relatively cheap. A full-time summer job could pay it off. In my state, state tuition was $2.00 per semester hour. Working one’s way through college (a 4-year degree in 4 years) was common.
DaveQuinn over 5 years ago
I was lucky. After graduation, I only had a $1,000.00 student loan. Paid if off within a year. It took a year because my first job didn’t pay much.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 5 years ago
What’s really bad is all the uproar is directed at the loan companies. Where it should be directed is at the colleges and Universities that force worthless classes that everyone is required to take, and also they offer some worthless degrees that you’ll never make enough off of to warrant the cost of getting them. Bring back the trade schools, skilled trades jobs are going begging.
PO' DAWG over 5 years ago
Careful Bleeb, everyone has gotten side tracked, that wheel chair looks very unstable. Maybe now Ryan can upgrade to a Rascal.
Perkycat over 5 years ago
Bleeb’s just there for the cake…..which I understand.
William Bednar Premium Member over 5 years ago
On a sad note, Ryan Ferncod passed away the very next day.
ncorgbl over 5 years ago
I had no student loans, but graduated in 1972 with a slight delay by Uncle Sam. Tuition was under $250/semester for a full load at a 4 year well known university. My son graduated in 2013 and his debt is more than double my first mortgage. I think it became a scam about 20 years ago or so, with lenders and colleges in on it.
I agree that conservatives try to keep others from getting an education, and always have. They complained when the printing press was invented and gave the masses the ability to read the Bible for themselves, and ever since. These ‘modern-day pharisees’ oppose what Jesus taught, try to force GOD to bring the end of times by falsely fulfilling prophecies, like the recreation of Israel. And they fight the idea that GOD gave mankind free will and the ability to reason for HIS reasons, not ours.
I do believe that religion and science can occupy the same space. I believe that science is the study and discovery of how HE did it.
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
In all the excitement, he croaks.
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Locked in at 2.25% interest. Not going to pay it off early, I can make more on my money than that by having my FA invest it.
Leojim over 5 years ago
Discipline and intelligence weighs huge when it comes to going to college, getting loans, and paying them off. Too many people spend boat loads of money on degrees that are totally worthless and all they do is end up with debt and no job that can pay for it readily.
braindead Premium Member over 5 years ago
What’s the big deal?
Nobody wants an educated population any more than they want a healthy population.
marshalljpeters Premium Member over 5 years ago
I’m constantly getting phone calls from agencies wanting to help me pay off my college loans. Funny thing is, I never went to college. Not sure what loans they’re seeing.
Andrew Sleeth over 5 years ago
Serves Ryan right for not voting for Elizabeth Warren.
dlaemmerhirt999 over 5 years ago
I gotted lucky!!! . . . sort of. I smashed my skull while sledding and my $30,000 in debt vanished!:D